Somehow, this tale turned into some sort of long, drawn out epic.  This coming from the person who prefers to participate in the majority of an online conversation solely using emoticons.  I guess I just can't control myself once I start talking about some of the things I like best: theme parks, Orange Julius, and, uh...ponchos.  Because of the hefty length of this article, I have divided it into five parts.  That way, if you get bored, or your PC time at Kinko's is running out, you can resume your reading with ease. 

Chapter One - The Flight

Getting there is half the not much fun.

Chapter Two - The Magic Kingdom

Ruin your memories for only $50.

Chapter Three - Islands of Adventure

Oh my God...the sun is out?!?

Chapter Four - Universal Studios

The Magic of the Movies vs. The Magic of Pouring Rain

Chapter Five - All the Rest

Go-karts, frozen beverages, and marriage consummation in a parking lot.